Laying of containment barriers, installation of equipment to recover the hydrocarbon and deployment of specialized personnel in the Puinahua Canal were carried out.
In order to be prepared for any eventuality that could occur during the transport of crude oil by waterway, PetroTal, a company led and operated by Peruvians, carried out a successful spill simulation in the Puinahua Canal, near the community native 7 de Junio, in the district of Puinahua (Requena, Loreto), where the Bretaña Norte field of Block 95 is located.
The Level II drill, carried out in the district’s river, put to the test the Contingency Plan for Spill Attention of the operator of Block 95, which proved to be effective and efficient in dealing with and dealing with this type of eventuality.
The exercise began with the alert of the incident, caused by the alleged collision of a barge loaded with oil, approximately one kilometer downstream of the operation. The company immediately activated its communication protocols and its Contingency Plan, which managed to contain the alleged oil slick, which was simulated with rice husks.
As part of the practice, the containment barriers were laid to prevent the current from dragging the rice husks and skimmers , pumps and fast tanks were put into operation, equipment that worked on the recovery of the hydrocarbon.
Luis Pantoja, general manager of PetroTal, stressed that this effort is part of the company’s prevention policy and its commitment to the protection and strict respect for the environment and the populations surrounding Block 95.
The activity was attended, as observers, by representatives of the General Directorate of Captaincies and Coast Guards (DICAPI), National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP), of the apu of the native community 7 de Junio, Gerber Greifo; and the Citizen Socio-environmental Monitoring Program (PROMOSAC), who witnessed and highlighted the maneuvers and actions carried out by the PetroTal brigades during and after the practice.