Within the framework of its Social Responsibility Policy and commitment to quality education, PetroTal, a company led and operated by Peruvians, launched the call for its 2023 Scholarship Program, aimed at strengthening education and capacity building for young people in the district. from Puinahua, where the Bretaña Norte Field of Block 95 is located.
Puinahuino young people who are studying a university or technical degree, or have been admitted within the validity of the 2023 academic semester -and who also have good academic performance-, can apply for scholarships between April 15 and December 15. May.

PetroTal, in coordination with the District Municipality of Puinahua and the Apostolic Vicariate of Requena, grants this benefit to the population of Puinahua and carries out the respective accompaniment to favor the adaptation of students to higher student life at different stages of their education.
Full scholarships and half scholarships have a monetary allocation intended to cover the student’s expenses during the study period. Its continuity is conditioned to the optimal semester academic performance of the scholarship holder, as well as to her good conduct in the activities that she develops or participates while she is a beneficiary of the program.
Luis Pantoja, general manager of PetroTal, pointed out that “new challenges can generate worry or stress in students; For this reason, we carry out continuous accompaniment in individual and group spaces to enhance their skills, strengthen their confidence, resolve their doubts and enhance the program for the benefit of them and future scholarship holders”.
Between 2018 and 2022, the PetroTal Scholarship Program has benefited a total of 49 students, from eight towns in the Puinahua district: Bretaña Populated Center (20), Huacrachiro Caserío (5), CC.NN. Jorge Chávez (1), CC.NN. Las Palmas (1), CC.NN. Manco Cápac (10), Caserío San Carlos (10), Caserío San Juan de Páucar (1) and CC.NN. Saint Peter II (1). The company hopes to continue benefiting more young people with high academic performance and limited economic resources, in order to provide greater opportunities for all through quality education.